Mono Mail

Command System

The command system in Mono Mail allows users to execute various actions quickly through a keyboard-based interface. Open the Command Palette with ⌘+K to access a comprehensive list of shortcuts and commands.

Step 1. Open the Command Palette

  • Press ⌘+K to open the Command Palette.

Step 2. View Available Commands:

  • Browse or search for commands categorized by scope:
    • Global Commands: Available anywhere in the app.
    • Sidebar Commands: Focus on sidebar actions.
    • Thread List Commands: Perform actions on thread selections.
    • Thread Display Commands: Context-specific actions for the current thread.

Step 3. Execute a Command:

  • Navigate using the arrow keys or search by typing.
  • Press Enter to execute the highlighted command.

Global Commands

SearchGlobal⌘+FOpens the search command palette.
Pin ContactGlobal⌘+TOpens the pinning command palette.
Compose New MessageGlobal⌘+COpens the compose window for a new message.
Open PreferencesGlobal⌘+POpens the preferences dialog.
Open FeedbackGlobalG+FOpens the feedback dialog.
Go to InboxGlobalG+INavigates to the Inbox.
Go to StarredGlobalG+SNavigates to Starred messages.
Go to SentGlobalG+TNavigates to Sent messages.
Go to DraftsGlobalG+DNavigates to Drafts.
Add FavoriteSidebar⌘+DAdds a favorite item in the sidebar.

Thread List Commands

Select All ThreadsThread ListShift+⌘+ASelects all threads in the list.
Deselect All ThreadsThread ListShift+⌘+NDeselects all selected threads.
Select Read ThreadsThread ListShift+Alt+RSelects threads marked as read.
Select Unread ThreadsThread ListShift+Alt+USelects threads marked as unread.
Select Starred ThreadsThread ListShift+Alt+SSelects threads marked as starred.
Select Unstarred ThreadsThread ListShift+Alt+TSelects threads not marked as starred.

Thread Display Commands

ReplyThread DisplayROpens a reply compose window.
ForwardThread DisplayFOpens a forward compose window.
Mark as Read / Mark as UnreadThread DisplayUMarks the selected thread as read / unread.
Star / UnstarThread DisplaySStars / unstar the selected thread.
ArchiveThread DisplayEArchives the selected thread.
Report SpamThread DisplayShift+!Marks the selected thread as spam.


  • Some commands depend on the current context (e.g., active threads or account).
  • Use the Command Palette to explore additional options and custom commands as your workflow evolves.
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